Monday, July 23, 2007

Day 13: Thursday 30/06/05

Dr Jones comes to wake us up to leave… we were finished though. Plus the lovers quarrel delayed our departure. Kati wanted to fly back instead and bla bla bla… anyway we said our goodbyes and it was quite sad that we had to leave. I didn’t shower though… I was filthy, mostly cause of my solo walking expedition.
Because we left so late we didn’t get to cross the Zambezi and ended up sleeping in Quelimane at a cool place that used to be a campsite but the people staying there are just renting and let us stay there for free… DSTV whoohoo!!! It was a little apartment. We’ve been really lucky with finding places to stay on this trip. It was great having a proper shower again… its funny how you learn to accept being filthy and smelly sometimes. We all pretty much went to bed early


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