Monday, July 23, 2007

Day 11: Tuesday 28/06/05

I was up at 5am and went for an early morning swim in the sea. The weather was still not great. Bush Pig was taken to help out on the dhow, they had problems with the mast that had split and they needed able bodies. Dr Jones and Kati went into town leaving me alone at the campsite. Everyone was busy and no-one needed my help with anything. Luckily for me Brenda the owner of the place took me on a tour of the property in her bright yellow beach buggy. It’s massive (100acres) and so scenic (including 40 baobabs). She even took me up to their house which has the coolest ideas for décor.

When I got back to the campsite everyone was still busy with their own thing, I felt really out of place so j-lo went for a solo walk… a freaken long 3hr walk. I was feeling miff but I enjoyed the walk. I always think better when I walk anyway. I saw the biggest red crab walking inland and there must have been many of them ‘cause I saw all the crab holes in the ground… very creepy. (Run j-lo run) I was all sweaty from the walk so I had a quick shower and headed back to the camp. I sat having a beer with king, Pierre and rubber. Then boredom kicked in and j-lo decides she’s going to be creative. I wrote on the fire wall in dark sand ‘spirit of adventure, one net one life’ Kingsley thought it was really sweet. We ate some lovely stew made by ma shoz that night.
Once again feeling sad, I go to bed early.


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