Monday, July 23, 2007

Day 4: Tuesday 21/06/05

We were told the country club would be up and running at 6am. Which meant the restaurant, as well as the cloakrooms would be open and most importantly the main gate would be unlocked? (All lies damit!!!) We wanted to catch an early start because we were delayed in Zim and we just wanted to get to cape Maclear already. So no breakfast and no hot shower and no damn key for that gate. Excuse the pun but we were not happy campers.

Somehow someone came up with the bright idea of driving the Landy up the stairs to what could be our only way out. Slowly Dr Jones put the car to the test, everything looked good and it seemed like this could actually work… but suddenly the concrete slabs under the right side of the car started to crack… ‘Nah, keep going… its fine’ so he did. Within moments the concrete slabs on the right gave way and the Landy came crashing down. The Landy now at an angle, the right wheels submerged in what seemed to be a drainage area, fortunately just about as wide as the wheels. (Ouch, that poor car) we built a ramp with all the broken bits of slab and Dr Jones eased the Landy out of the almost disastrous predicament. ‘fine u don’t have a key for the gate, we’ll make our own way out’ , so once again the idea of cutting a hole through the fence and driving round to the gate and whipping out the zap signs came to mind (sorry Indiana not this time either) the key miraculously made a guest appearance and we were set free. Driving out of Limbe now, going to cape Maclear I saw the most peculiar thing. People riding bikes with woven baskets attached to the back containing live chickens. Its nice being a chicken in Africa, they travel in style.

Just outside Mangochi we saw the funniest hand painted sign on a wooden stall: toys r us. And it just so happened that this guy was selling hand carved wooden Landy’s. We ended up going to a nearby village and getting lots of cool footage there. Anyway Dr Jones could only manage to get 1 of the Landy’s because this guy was trying to be too hard arsed to drop his price. At this point tensions were running high and I think I speak for all when I say that we were all just a little irritable and pretty sick of all the driving.

We stayed at an exotic little paradise situated right in the centre of a village. It had a bar and tiny restaurant right on the beach. They offered diving, snorkelling and paddling. The people working there were so chilled and friendly and most of all it was dirt cheap. to camp there was the equivalent of r20 p/p per night and to get a room was r45p/p. there was also a lapa, flush toilets and running water showers (so what if there was no hot water, big deal, the temperature was about 29 degrees) I quickly ran to brush my teeth, then off came the clothes and on came the bikini… we were surely in heaven now!!!

Bush Pig and i found a perfect little spot on the beach where we just chilled while sipping on kuche kuche’s or Carlsberg’s and we watched as time stood still. I have never in my life been so relaxed and content. We both agreed that this was worth all the driving. Dr Jones and Kati went for a run… crazy mofo’s. Dr Jones and Kati are not well in the head, they ran, cycled and paddled every day after that. Bush Pig and I did everything we could to chill lax and absorb as much of heaven as we could. ‘Cause we knew we’d be back in the rat race soon. But hey, to each his own.

As we lay there soaking up the sun, staring at the glass-like lake not only did time stand still but I didn’t have a care in the world. Beach boys kept walking by trying to sell their crafts. They are such peaceful people. Bush Pig bought a necklace, I got a bracelet (mind you, I can’t seem to find it right now) then I had my hair braided with beads, and Bush Pig ordered a space cake (when in Malawi make like the Romans, ha ha ha!!!) we lay there for what seemed like days… tanning, drinking beer and relaxing. Later when the other two came back, they went for a paddle on the lake. And just before sunset it was ‘kayak in water photo opp’ time again. Dr Jones took a stunner of a photo of me (the sunset behind me, the lake like glass, an island in the background and me with my braids and new tan. FHM here I come!!)

That night we’d organised a lovely fish braai with 1 of the locals consisting of 2 pieces of fish each, rice and tomato gravy with grilled banana for dessert and this only cost about r15 p/p. also had some of the space cake… I guess I’d been drinking beer in the sun all day and all I felt was spacey… that night we walked to another resort further up the lakeside and played some pool with tourists.
I slept like the dead.


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