Monday, July 23, 2007

Day 8: Saturday 25/06/05

We left at the crack of a sparrows fart, with lots more dirt roads to travel. At this point my little ‘I don’t sleep on road trips rule’ died… I squashed it, killed that bugger with my bare hands. Not that easy to stick to it when you’re not getting a good nights sleep anyway. We drove quite well and soon hit Nampula (yippee… tar roads!!!!)

Driving into Pemba on the peninsula was a beautiful site… the ocean on the 1 side and the lagoon on the other. Puma bay is the biggest bay on this continent and the 3rd largest bay on the planet. Arrived at the campsite by 2pm (just in time for the rugby) we stayed at Russell’s backpacker’s and the bar there was called the Blackfoot bar. that’s the nickname the locals gave to backpackers and it didn’t take too long for us to see why… it’s so hot out there you’re barely clothed and who needs shoes??? The humidity was a little unbearable though. the camp site was dodge, no running water so you’re washing yourself with a Swahili style bucket ‘shower’ (1 hot water bucket and 1 cold, not too bad actually) also the long drops were icky, icky, ew, ew, ew!!!! You kinda heard the flies before you saw them. Nothing is quite as distracting as having flies bouncing against your ass when you’re busy trying to rid your body of waste.

We watched the rugby while sipping on some dosh-m (2m) beers… Mmm… this local beer is delish! The nutter’s went for an afternoon run. Bush Pig and I went for a quick little afternoon powernap… problem is that when we woke up it was night time and we missed dinner. Met Kingsley and what a cool guy!! he’s Mr Adventure but he’s more interested in you and all the adventures you’ve had (um, dude, like this is my first real adventure) also met Pierre, Bruce, rubber, prickly Pete... we had a couple beers and went to sleep… big buffet in our tent that night, as mozzies feasted on us.
(Probably should not have left the tent open because it was so hot and humid)


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