Monday, July 23, 2007

Day 9: Sunday 26/06/05

Woke up early and the weather was not lekka. Its funny BECAUSE IT’S not meant to be rainy season. We went through to the dhow where Dr Jones took lotsa photies. I got to climb into the dhow… it’s big and beautiful. We sat there and listened as Kingsley told us stories about how they acquired the dhow and all the drama they had. He’s the best storyteller I’ve ever met. I could sit and listen to him talk for hours.

We then went to the market to check it out. This little shyster opened the back of the Landy as we were driving through the market. He didn’t take anything but just the mere fact that he had balls enough to try to open it was scary. We bought some fish and that night it was going to be fish braai a la Bush Pig. When the others went for a paddle we went for a walk on the beach and sat on the jetty. We had the best capirinha ever at the puma dolphin. The braai that night was yummy yum. I went to bed quite early that night… feeling depro about my life back home (unemployed and couldn’t find work). And I just loved the idea of travelling like this. Throw caution to the wind. I cried a lot that night and slept like shyte. It’s no fun not being able to talk to your mates back home.


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